About me – A brief history of (my) time…

About me – A brief history of (my) time…

Welcome to my delightful website, my fabulous friends! 😉 Brace yourselves, because you’re about to embark on a journey that’s going to blow your socks off!


Now, I won’t fool myself into thinking that you’re dying to know every intricate detail of my life or hang on to every word I say – let’s face it, you couldn’t care less! And hey, I don’t blame you. We’re strangers in the vast digital realm, after all. We haven’t crossed paths, exchanged “Hello’s”, or even had a virtual chat over a cup of coffee. So why would you give a toss about me?

Oh, wait! You actually do care? Hold your horses, folks… let me grab some tissues…

Ahem, attention, please! Are you sitting comfortably? Excellent, then let’s get started with my epic tale…

It all began a while back, when I realized I wanted more from life. I was constantly on the lookout for the “next big thing,” chasing shiny objects and dreaming of a life beyond my wildest imagination. Countless hours were spent scouring self-help books, digging through the vast depths of the internet, searching for that magical “get rich quick” or “effortless money-making from home” solution.

I bet you’ve been down that rabbit hole too, haven’t you? Every now and then, you stumble upon something that promises to be “the one.” You think, “This is it! I’ve struck gold!” You eagerly read their articles, sign up for their “free” training, and watch their “life-changing” courses, only to discover that it’s all just a big, dull dud.

“You said it was a big dull dud!”

But here’s the thing they conveniently leave out: they’re making money off of you, my friend. That “free” course? Just a trap to pry open your wallet. Sure, they’ll dazzle you with fancy production, showing off their rented Lamborghinis and borrowed private jets, with gold-plated steel chains and fake Rolex watches, promising to reveal their “7-step proven formula” for making thousands of dollars every month.

Does this look familiar to you?

They’ll sucker you in with fake testimonials, paid-for reviews, and an elaborate sales pitch, making you endure their never-ending brain fart until… voila! There it is, the “BUY NOW” button, flashing at the end, accompanied by an “introductory offer” that’s supposedly “10,000% off.”

“The whole package was a staggering $15,000, but now, for the next 10 minutes only, you can have it for a mere $97!”

Believe me, I’ve fallen for that trap more times than I care to admit. Some of them were convincing, almost making me reach for my wallet. It’s a well-worn path, my friend. I’ve devoured books on the “Law of Attraction,” “Positive Thinking,” “Mindfulness,” you name it. I’ve read so much that my brain feels like a literary buffet.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from all of those books, articles, methods and techniques though, it’s which ones work and which ones don’t! So you may, from time-to-time, find things for sale that truly had an impact on me along my journey, or that I just found truly inspirational and insightful.

But let’s cut to the chase, shall we?

Take a deep breath and relax… I feel your pain, and guess what? I want to solve your problems! No, I’m not here to sell you anything. All the information I offer is free of charge (unless, of course, you feel like tossing a few coins my way to keep this website afloat – no pressure, though! 😉 ). Think of it as my way of “paying it forward” You’re welcome! 🙂

Pay It Forward – Catherine Ryan Hyde

But I’ll be straight with you. This is a business, and yes, there are things I offer that do require a fee. However, my main goal is to provide you with valuable information, insights, and guidance that can genuinely make a positive impact on your life. Whether it’s through articles, videos, courses, or other resources, my aim is to empower and inspire you to achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life, all completely free. I do, however, plan to offer premium courses, training and memberships to people who want to get involved and contribute to the community. These will not be mandatory, however, and will not be required to complete any of the free training available – nor will you need to pay anything to change your life.

Of course, if you want to, at a later stage, you can then sign up to do one of my advanced courses, or training, but these courses will only enhance the free training available, not replace it!


Firstly, let me make it clear why I’m sharing all this information for free. I’m tired of the nonsense that’s out there: the MLMs, the pyramid schemes, the “get rich quick” schemes. I’ve tried them all, and I can say with certainty that nothing will improve your life unless you take control of it yourself.

Positive thinking, the law of attraction, mindfulness—they’re all great starting points. Scientific studies have shown the benefits of mindfulness in promoting health, wealth, and overall well-being. But let me tell you, it’s not the only reason for my success.

Using these tools, I’ve become a better person than I was years ago. Don’t get me wrong, my life isn’t perfect. I’m still on that journey, on the yellow brick road to the Emerald Kingdom, to the promised land. But let me assure you, I’m much further along that road than ever before.


Before I go any further, let me clarify something. Positive thinking, the law of attraction, or any other buzzword—they’re not enough. You won’t become a professional football player if you never get off your couch and play football. Positive thinking alone won’t make it happen. You need to take positive action.

If you want change, you have to change. Things won’t change if you don’t. You can’t continue doing the same things and expect different results. Break free from the cycle of self-doubt, procrastination, and endless research.


It’s time to take control of your life and stop blaming others, or circumstances beyond your control for your lack of money, health, or love. Take responsibility, because nobody else will. It’s easy to point fingers and make excuses for your misery—your job, your boss, your pay, your house—but here’s the truth: you can change all these things. You
are fully in charge of your destiny.

I know it may not feel that way right now, but once you start implementing the lessons I can teach you, you’ll begin to see a glimmer of light at the end of that long, dark tunnel. You’ll realise that only you
can change anything, and you’re in complete control of your destiny. From where I stand now, I see how good life can be. I understand that it’s hard for you to see it from where you are, stuck in a cycle of negativity and self-doubt, wondering why everyone isn’t doing what seems so simple.

Let me be clear: it’s not as simple as just changing your mindset. It requires a complete shift in your mindset. You’re not mindlessly repeating positive affirmations and hoping for the best. You have to truly believe in the process, and that takes time.

For me, it wasn’t an overnight transformation. I couldn’t go from being negative all the time to suddenly being positive. It felt fake. I didn’t truly believe the positive affirmations I was telling myself. It took time to chip away at decades of calcified negativity that had clogged up my brain. I struggled to escape that deep and depressing “funk” I had fallen into.


The purpose of this website is to connect with like-minded individuals who want to improve their lives. If you’re tired of the 9-to-5 grind, the limited earnings, and the feeling of guilt, this is for you. It’s about shifting to a more positive mindset, enhancing your health and well-being, and enriching your life so you can truly enjoy it.

So, what can you expect from me? Well, think of this as your go-to hub for personal development, growth, and all things awesome! I’ll be sharing practical tips and strategies on various topics like:

  1. Goal Setting: Discover how to set meaningful goals and create a roadmap for success.
  2. Mindset Mastery: Unleash the power of your mind and develop a positive and resilient mindset.
  3. Productivity Hacks: Learn effective techniques to boost your productivity and make the most of your time.
  4. Career Development: Get insights and advice on advancing your career, finding fulfilling work, and navigating professional challenges.
  5. Relationships: Explore tips for building healthy and meaningful relationships, whether it’s with friends, family, or romantic partners.
  6. Health and Wellness: Find guidance on improving your physical and mental well-being, including fitness, nutrition, and self-care practices.
  7. Financial Wisdom: Gain knowledge on managing your finances, saving, investing, and building wealth for a secure future.
  8. Personal Fulfilment: Explore ways to discover your passions, cultivate hobbies, and live a life that brings you joy and fulfilment.
  9. Self-Made Millionaire: You will receive regular business ideas and tips for making money online, so you can finally say goodbye to that dead-end job! We’re talking serious money here! All it takes is your time and commitment.

But wait, there’s more! I’ll also be featuring guest experts, hosting webinars, and creating a community where like-minded individuals can connect, share ideas, and support each other on their journey towards personal growth and success.


I understand the frustration of living paycheck to paycheck, working long hours with little respect, and feeling anxious about the stability of your job. I wanted a lifestyle where I could actually enjoy my life and have control over my work. I was tired of constantly feeling undervalued, demotivated, depressed, lonely, belittled, and scared. It was time for a change.

Like many of you reading this, I delved into self-help books, mindfulness practices, the law of attraction, affirmations, and various workshops and courses. While these approaches do have their benefits, let me emphasise that it takes more than just thinking positively or feeling good. It requires action.

Whether you call it God, asking the universe, the source, the secret, the law of attraction, positive thinking, or any other term, none of it matters without action. It wasn’t until I started changing my actions, doing things differently, and taking positive
steps towards transforming my life that things began to shift in a positive
direction. I started attracting more positive things into my life, and little by little, my life improved. This positive momentum gave me confidence, freedom, and abundance. It was like a snowball effect.

While thoughts, feelings, and emotions serve as catalysts, the real transformation happens when we take positive action. Si, if you find yourself in the deepest, darkest recesses of your mind, it may take time and effort to pull yourself out. Believe me, I understand the hopelessness that can accompany such a journey. But I assure
you, the rewards are worth it once you start moving forward in a positive way.

Gradually, you’ll make small, positive changes in your life. These changes will accumulate and snowball into bigger ones. Eventually, your life will be unrecognisable compared to where you started, but in the best possible way.

There may be some individuals who effortlessly adapt to this journey, with everything falling into place quickly and seamlessly. And although I admit, with a hint of envy, good for them—I genuinely hope your journey is as smooth and swift as theirs. I wish my experience had been the same.

So, I encourage you to keep the faith, whether it’s in God, the universe, attraction, magnetism, cosmic forces, positivity, quantum principles, or whatever resonates with you. If you stay committed and work on transforming your mindset, you will see tangible, real-world benefits. These changes will manifest in your life as you take positive steps forward.

I’ll be by your side throughout this wonderful journey of exploration into the endless possibilities that lie ahead. If you ever need assistance, have questions, or find yourself feeling stuck, please leave a comment below. I’m here to help.


Remember, my friend, you are the hero of your own story, and I’m here to provide you with the tools and inspiration to make it an extraordinary
one. So buckle up and get ready for a wild ride filled with learning, growth, and a whole lot of fun!

Together, let’s make this journey towards greatness an epic adventure. Stick around, explore the content, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need support. Remember, you have the power to transform your life and create the future you desire.

Now, grab a cup of tea, get comfortable, and let’s embark on this incredible journey of self-discovery, growth, and personal development. Stay tuned for regular updates, fresh articles, and exciting resources that will empower you to unlock your full potential.

Thank you for joining me on this path towards greatness. I’m thrilled to have you as part of this community, and I can’t wait to witness your progress and celebrate your victories.

Wishing you an extraordinary and fulfilling journey ahead!

All the best,

Alex Malcolm


Alex avatar

4 responses to “About me – A brief history of (my) time…”

  1. potatopeeler2000 avatar

    i agree

    1. Alex avatar

      Thank you, potatopeeler2000!

      Is there anything in particular you agree on? Or everything 😉
      Thanks once again.

  2. Brian avatar

    I think your beliefs and ideas line up with a lot of other people. There comes a point where you just have to dive in and believe in yourself. Failure is always and option and most likely to happen most of the time. Failure brings about learning. Following along with your site for goal setting, wealth building and wellness will help make anyone’s life better. Great read. Thanks Brian

    1. Alex avatar

      Thank you, Brian – very insightful!

      Yes, I believe that every “failure” or negative that happens in our lives is a learning opportunity!

      Sir James Dyson suffered through 5,126 failed prototypes before he landed on the first working Dyson Vacuum. Colonel sanders (KFC Founder) was rejected over 1000 times before finding a franchise partner.
      J,K. Rowling faced numerous rejections of her manuscript about a boy Wizard and now, it’s one of the biggest franchises in history!

      There are so many stories of people like these – throughout history and throughout genres. It’s so inspiring to see and hear these and keeps me motivated!

      I, myself, have struggled so many times to achieve what I have – not through invention or storytelling – but so many other failed attempts at starting a business. It’s important to keep a positive mindset, despite setbacks, and keep the faith, no matter what life throws at you! 

      If we don’t believe in ourselves, nobody else will!

      All the best for your future endeavors! 🙂


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