Ah, the never-ending warnings about the perils of dabbling in magic. How thoughtful of those well-meaning souls! But fear not, my friends, for I shall take this moment to enlighten you and sprinkle some charm into the realm of sorcery.

Magic, my dear enchantment enthusiasts, is the art of fashioning the tangible from the intangible. Allow me to weave my words and explain…


In this vast world, we find ourselves bombarded by billions of vibrations that tickle our nervous systems incessantly. Radio waves, electromagnetism, ultraviolet rays, sound waves, and more!

Since time immemorial, our ancient counterparts yearned to harness these vibrations, using them as tools to reshape our physical realities. Once upon a time, altered states of consciousness and divination were their go-to techniques. Nowadays, we simply summon the Wi-Fi radio waves to embark on a thrilling quest through the depths of Google.

Long ago, our ancestors chanted melodies to heal their bodies and unleash energy within. Now, we’ve upgraded to employing high-frequency ultrasound waves, performing miracles in the realm of cancer treatment. We have become unwitting magicians, my friends, complicit in our everyday lives.

Imagine telling an early human, lost and desperate to find their way back home, that in the grand year of 2023, we navigate the globe using nothing but microwave frequencies (GPS). They would surely dub it as pure MAGIC, wouldn’t they?


And what about those ancient Egyptians, yearning to connect with their departed loved ones? Imagine informing them that in our time, we can engage in face-to-face conversations with individuals across the globe. Magic, they would call it, without a doubt.

Alas, most of us have grown accustomed to engaging with magic unintentionally, through the various technological marvels we wield. We’ve normalised these tools so completely that we forget the sheer oddity of reading these words despite our temporal, spatial, and physical disconnection.

In truth, the human body, especially our marvellous minds, serves as the ultimate magic wand. It is we who have invented these wondrous technologies, not some mystical force. We are, by nature, more capable than any creation of our own making. Just consider the immense power of words—Hitler’s utterances unleashed more destruction than the atom bomb that ravaged Hiroshima.

Yet, we remain blissfully unaware. Instead, we are conditioned to believe that the physical realm is the sole truth, that our technological marvels are mere products of science, and that our ability to shape reality comes only from relentless toil and action.

No one bothers to inform us that deep within us lies an innate arsenal of magical tools—the ability to transform matter through the sheer force of our minds, altering reality itself. Yes, my friends, we are here to play with the ethereal, to craft and shape it according to our whims.

So don’t let the puppet masters infect your mind with misdirection, illusion, lies and deceit – take control of it, once and for all and decide for yourself what you want from your life!

Think for a moment: if magic were truly dangerous or sinful, why, oh why, would we possess a prefrontal cortex—a wellspring of imagination, the most potent tool of the alchemist? With this enchanted engine, we can summon perspectives, ideas, and solutions, transforming the very chemistry and vibrations within our physical forms through the sheer power of thought alone.

Allow me to illustrate this concept with a cheeky example: close your eyes and conjure up an image of a seductive individual (is it your dear partner, perhaps?). Ah, yes, the mere thought triggers a delightful alchemy, releasing endorphins that might even have a physical impact, shall we say, elsewhere.

On the other hand, envision a utility, or tax bill creeping into your thoughts, and behold! Your serotonin levels plummet while cortisol goes into overdrive. It’s as if the mere contemplation of such mundane matters triggers an undesirable magical reaction within.

You see, we are living, breathing, walking routers, designed to transmute the intangible into the tangible. We hold within us the power to reshape the very essence of existence.

And so, the duty of the magician is twofold: first, to embrace our true nature as the ultimate embodiment of a magical wand—a vessel of vibrational transformation. Second, to delve deep within ourselves, unearthing our uncorrupted will and fulfilling its desires.

Once you grasp the essence of magic as a creative process, one that takes place whether we acknowledge it or not, its intimidating façade fades away like a wisp of smoke. Suddenly, the prospect of wielding magic doesn’t seem quite as daunting.

Unlock your true potential, recalibrate to your creative core, and discover the extraordinary capacities that lie within you. Dare to venture with me into the enchanting rabbit hole of magic, where wonders await.

Remember, my friends, there’s nothing to fear about magic. Embrace it, wield it, and let it fill your heart with a sense of wonder and awe. Together, let us embark on a journey where the ordinary becomes extraordinary and the impossible transforms into the possible.

Shall we, dear adventurers? Join me, and let the magic unfold.


Ah, my fellow sorcerer-in-training, you crave more knowledge, do you? Well, fret not, for I shall guide you through the mystical realms of raising vibrations, amplifying positive energy, and reshaping the world around us with the sheer power of our minds. Prepare yourself for a journey that is both enlightening and delightfully enchanting.

Now, let’s embark on a whimsical thought experiment, shall we? Picture this: you find yourself amidst a bustling city, surrounded by people scurrying about their daily lives. Take a moment to observe their faces, their postures, and the energy they exude. Are you ready? Excellent! Now, summon your inner mischievous imp and concoct a mischievous plan.

As you stroll through the streets, envision the world around you transforming into a vibrant, joyous playground. Picture bubbles of laughter floating from every corner, smiles adorning the faces of strangers, and an infectious aura of positivity infusing the very air you breathe. Visualize this scene with such vividness and intensity that it seeps into your core, igniting a spark within you.

But wait, my eager apprentice, it doesn’t end there! Let the magic take hold of your senses. Feel the warmth radiating from the imaginary sun above, caressing your skin and filling you with a profound sense of contentment. Hear the melodious harmony of laughter and cheerful chatter resonating through the air, uplifting your spirits like a symphony of joy. Immerse yourself fully in this alternate reality, where the world dances to the tune of your vibrant thoughts.

And now, the true enchantment begins. Observe how your surroundings respond to the transformation within you. Notice how the faces of passers-by soften, their expressions lightening with an inexplicable happiness. Witness the magical ripple effect as your positive energy intertwines with the energy of those around you, spreading like wildfire. In this whimsical realm, the power of your mind becomes a catalyst for collective change.

But my dear, there’s more to this tale than meets the eye. You see, as your thoughts dance with the universe, they don’t merely influence the external world. They also shape your inner landscape, painting a vivid masterpiece on the canvas of your emotions and perceptions. Take a moment to reflect on this truth.

Imagine, if you will, a cloudy day casting a gloomy shadow upon your spirit. Suddenly, a thought emerges—a memory of a time when you felt truly alive and joyous. Embrace that memory, my friend. Feel it with every fibre of your being. Notice how, in an instant, the clouds disperse, making way for a radiant beam of sunlight to pierce through. As your mind revels in the ecstasy of that memory, your heart soars, and a profound shift occurs within you. You become the architect of your own emotional landscape.

Oh, the power we possess! With our thoughts, we possess the ability to shift the very fabric of reality, both externally and internally. It is a gift bestowed upon us, woven into the tapestry of our existence. And so, my dear apprentice, I implore you to wield this power wisely.

To raise your vibrations and harness the potency of your mind, let us embark on a joyous quest. Seek out the things that ignite your soul, that bring a twinkle to your eyes and a skip to your step. Engage in activities that make your heart sing, whether it be dancing in the rain, losing yourself in the pages of a beloved book, or immersing yourself in the company of kindred spirits.

Surround yourself with positive influences, my friend. Seek out the company of those who radiate warmth, compassion, and boundless enthusiasm. Like a magnet, their positive energy will intertwine with yours, creating an unstoppable force of transformation.

But beware, for the world is riddled with naysayers and doubters, those who scoff at the notion of magic and dismiss the power of the mind. Do not let their cynicism deter you, for you hold within you a resilient spark, an unwavering belief in the extraordinary.

Nurture your mind with affirmations and gratitude, for they are the keys that unlock the doors to a universe brimming with possibility. Practice the art of self-reflection, delving into the depths of your being, unearthing hidden desires and untapped potential. Trust in the magic of your own intuition, for it is a compass guiding you towards your true purpose.

And remember, my dear apprentice, the true power of your mind lies not only in changing your own life but in shaping the world around you. Infuse your actions with kindness, spread smiles like confetti, and unleash acts of compassion upon the world. Your gestures, no matter how small, have the power to create a ripple effect, inspiring others to embrace their own magic and make a difference.

As we draw near to the end of our enchanting journey, my heart swells with joy and hope. I have witnessed the spark of magic within you, ignited by the tales we’ve woven together. It is a flame that shall continue to burn bright, illuminating your path as you venture forth into the realm of infinite possibilities.

So, my fellow adventurer, go forth and raise your vibrations. Embrace the power of your mind, for it is a force that can shape destinies, transform lives, and paint the world in hues of awe-inspiring wonder. May your journey be filled with witty charm, heart-warming moments, and the unmistakable twinkle of magic.

Remember, my dear apprentice, you are a living, breathing embodiment of enchantment. Embrace it, cherish it, and let your magic shine.

Safe travels, my friend, and may the whimsical winds of magic forever be at your back.

Alex Malcolm

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